Monday, March 31, 2008

Birthday Party!

So, my darling husband and brother-in-law threw me a nice birthday party last night. My sisters Sherry, Danielle, and Heather came, as well as Heather's husband Dave and our friends Danny, Molly, and Audrey. And Faith was there, of course. We ate Chinese dood and drank wine, and I got a first edition, signed copy of May Sarton's "House by the Sea" from Marek, as well as several other lovely gifts. It was a great way to start my 38th trip around the sun!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello, It's Me...

Anyone else out there really like that Todd Rundgren song? I have been away from the blog for a long time - since the primary. Clearly, I've been too wrapped up in the political process to pay any attention to what else is going on out there. Just kidding.

I have a month and half or so left of my semester, and during that time I have to write 4 major papers. Cripes. Only one semester to go after this, and maybe I'll actually get to earn a little money for a while before I go to grad school. Sigh.

Can I just say that I'm sick of snow? Okay, thanks. Yeah, I'm really really sick of snow. I'd like it all to be gone by next Sunday, which is my birthday. Would you like to see another picture of another one of my cats? I thought you might.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Primary Day!

Well, it's finally here, thank heavens. I haven't voted yet but I'm going to after I get showered and fancied up. I wish I had pearls to wear to the polls.

So, I've been on vacation now for weeks and I'm very ready to go back to school. Right now I'm trying to get an internship set up, I'm not sure where, but it will be A Good Experience, I'm sure. Lately I've been spending a lot more time with the cats than with anyone else.

Today my plans include voting, vacuuming, and making homemade chicken soup.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Here goes nothing...

My very first real post - my husband did the others. He also set up this blog for me, and several others for my family members. I guess for now I will use this space as sort of a journal - what's going on with me and the people I live with and know, what we're thinking and talking about. And move on from there.

Maybe even a topic of the day, to induce discussions? We'll see.